"Distorting Beauty" is a project challenging visual perception. Idealized physical beauty is the product of culturally defined characteristics, which are consistently evolving and transforming. Can the perception of beauty be disrupted, interrupted, or deconstructed? Is there a sublime quality to beauty that can transcend distortion? What is ugly then? What is the beauty I often find hidden in the grotesque? What is it that you see when you look through a lens, through a lens, through a lens? I am starting with a contemporary definition of western beauty and with this work inviting the viewer to question his ideals. Or perhaps I am creating a new beauty?



Distorting Beauty Triptych Image 1


Distorting Beauty Triptych Image 2


Distorting Beauty Triptych Image 3

Cry Havoc

Creative agency CRY HAVOC is launching its first group exhibition at the contemporary project space Looiersgracht60. The theme of this exhibition is ‘CRY HAVOC – Introducing an Insatiable Generation’. Rising up to its name, it will premiere the agency’s first short film HAVOC, alongside the work of several carefully selected young and independent artists.